The question is will America listen and provide help to Ukraine to stop Russia from taking over Ukraine and others.Hits: 327
There is no question about it. The song " Monday Monday" fits this coming Monday with Trumps Fraud Trial----Guilty Guilty GuiltyHits: 5328
Donald Trump and the Trump Organization has been found guilty of fraud with all Licenses held by them now revokedHits: 794
Democratic Senator Mendez charge for multiple crimes and may be on his way to prison along with his wifeHits: 300
It is reported that all the major powers are in the process of developing a whole new line of NukesHits: 786
Seems to me, just sems to me that the Republicans would stay in DC and work on stopping their government shutdownHits: 337
Ukraine took on the giant and is winning but it seems the media just wants things worse than they are.Hits: 312
I don't kinow how Rudy fell from America's number one mayor to a total crookHits: 322
Trump and 18 others conspired to throwout the results of the 2020 election and replace the winners with a mini dictatorshipHits: 489
The main reason we must stand with Ukraine is to stop Putin. Aweak man with the power to kill allHits: 470
You gotta be really dumb to get indicted four time in several juristictions and still pretend your going to winHits: 496
Why would you prove on social media that the person that called you a criminal was right?Hits: 622
Today,8-3-2023 , the discrace of Donald Trumps actions to overthrough the 2020 US elction comes home to roostHits: 1070
Wit the tide turning in the Russian war on Ukraine Russians are starting to look for places to hideHits: 709
When will Russia get smart and leave Ukraine,return Ukraines land back to it?Hits: 596
As weak minded as it gets. Putin thinks banning the real news people will help him in his warHits: 510
They stood back and stood by until Jan6 when they were turned loose by Donald Trump. Now they are off to prison.Hits: 537
Fox News will pay Dominion $787 million plus additional item in the settlement with DominionHits: 1145
Fox News is so caught up in lying on the air that they seem to think its ok to do it to a judgeHits: 1210
President Biden calls for a ban on assault style weapons after the Kentucky shoot.Hits: 553
They can't lead legislate be honest or even follow the law and it is all in this News Video.Hits: 602
I always told my boys to Keep your pecker in your pants.Hits: 1222
Donald Trumps FIRST INDICTMENT CAME TODAY ON 3/31/2023.... More to followHits: 667
It was denied by Russia but this video shows a Russian Jet targeting an American spy drone and eventually hitting itHits: 683
The Republican party punishes Omar for speaking her opinions about the Jews but does nothing about George Santos liesHits: 611
The United Nation Security Councel is voting on a rule to end the war between Hamas and IsrealHits: 321
Six year old boy in Virginia shoots teacher. Is the Second Amendment at fault?Hits: 996
With all the fighting between Republicans new legislation is being passed to protect us allHits: 577
Russia just keeps on loosing millions upon millions in resources to the Ukraine armyHits: 615
Seems that Russia just does not pay attention to just how good the Ukrainian soldiers are.Hits: 672