News - Lideo Videos News - Free membership is just the beginning. Get paid for sharing videos. Have us host your business video in a secure and private location for viewing by those you choose. Enjoy low cost regional advertising without having to create video Ads. Share the word in categories like News,Recreation,Education,Auto Repair, Sience,Music, Comedy and many more.. The Collapse of America in 2025 - Lideo Videos With this amount of money and power behind Elon Musk and Donald Trump, the only way good Americans can stop the dismantling of the United States is to boycott everything Elon Musk and Donald Trump. The Republicans don't care what laws or crimes they commit so long as they go after programs...]]> Tue, 4 Feb 2025 19:43:19 GMT Blackhawk collides with civilian jet inbound to Reagon International on 1-29-2025 - Lideo Videos Having been in Air Traffic Control for many years it is obvious what caused this accident.  Most commercial jetliners use standard approaches and are under Instrument Flight Rules that designate the landing phase. So, that leaves it up to other non-IFR aircraft to see and avoid another...]]> Thu, 30 Jan 2025 17:19:18 GMT Trump gets stopped by the courts again - Lideo Videos The Trump White House stopped funding illegally and thought it was all okay. Suite after suite after suite is being filed to correct Trump's ignorance and we can *ume this will go on as long as he is in office. ]]> Wed, 29 Jan 2025 20:15:41 GMT Will it ever end? Fires I mean? - Lideo Videos It seems the government has no answer regarding national disasters like the one currently in California.   ]]> Thu, 23 Jan 2025 23:19:04 GMT Pardon me? - Lideo Videos It is so sad that an outgoing President has to protect members of Congress and others in the Government from an incoming President who is out for revenge because they were doing their job and said or did something he did not like in his prior term in the Whitehouse. ]]> Tue, 21 Jan 2025 01:37:48 GMT President-elect Donald Trump will be sentenced on Jan 10, 2025, for crimes in New York - Lideo Videos By the time Donald Trump is sentenced for crimes in New York he will have become President of the United States so let this be a warning to all that the Republicans in the United States elected a criminal who can not be trusted and is known as a liar of all things and should not be an acceptable...]]> Fri, 3 Jan 2025 18:13:15 GMT Russia is going to lose the war it started in Ukraine. - Lideo Videos It is tough to understand why some leaders cannot accept their people being free from wars and many other destructive actions just so they, the leader, can act tough and destroy things.  I  do not understand why a war is chosen as an answer when it always results in another war later on....]]> Thu, 19 Dec 2024 18:24:08 GMT President Biden responds to Syrian overthrow - Lideo Videos This short video explains the US position on Syria. The rebel takeover of Syria from the Assad regime has long been desired by most countries in the Middle East and with some help this could be the way to end fighting in the area. Pay close attention to what Joe Biden has to say because the...]]> Sun, 8 Dec 2024 18:16:11 GMT Syria taken over by rebels 12-8-2024 Reported by CNN - Lideo Videos No one knew about it and in just 48 hours rebels took over Syria without a fight of any kind and the Assad dictatorship ended.  What will happen next is just a guess but I like others hope to see a government installed that is dedicated to peace with its neighbors. If Syria chooses to align with...]]> Sun, 8 Dec 2024 16:03:13 GMT President Biden makes a move the news fails to grasp - Lideo Videos I am sick of news organizations reporting everything in a bad light. The laws that Hunter Biden violated while being addicted to drugs are far from major felonies but he was set to spend a lot of time in prison because the Republican Party had a vendetta against the Bideon family. They...]]> Mon, 2 Dec 2024 21:26:03 GMT Donald Trump plans war on America - Lideo Videos Every American should do everything possible to stop Trump's plan and if he gets it started block your doors, shut your business, and say no.  Keep a list of those that follow this dumb * and make sure they never get elected again. I served during the Vietnam War and still know how to...]]> Tue, 19 Nov 2024 17:58:50 GMT Update on Ukraine 9-6-2024 - Lideo Videos Ukraine is fighting for its existence and we must do all we can to help them succeed. Russia started this war for no good reason at all. They just wanted to be the boss over their neighbor. ]]> Fri, 6 Sep 2024 18:59:52 GMT Ukrainian F16 at work - Lideo Videos As of yet, we do not know what Russia is thinking. They are losing a huge amount of military assets with very little hope of replacing them so we can only assume that Vladimir Putin is as crazy as the come. Most everyone knows that the citizens in Russia have no say in what Putin is doing and...]]> Thu, 15 Aug 2024 23:29:25 GMT Ukraine hits Russia where it hurts - Lideo Videos It has come to the point that no one can understand why Russia continues to punish its people by sending them to a war they cannot win.  Not much comes out of Russia these days but what does get out shows that the average Russian is fed-up with Putin and is only held in check by internal...]]> Wed, 7 Aug 2024 14:03:02 GMT Las Vegas NV housing shortage 6-27-24 - Lideo Videos provides a local advertising platform that places advertising, in image form, alongside videos uploaded by members, which is called leveraging. This posting, shown above, will show advertisements from local businesses in the Las Vegas market area. Other postings might show Ads in...]]> Thu, 27 Jun 2024 14:14:19 GMT Russian Fleet arrives in Cuba *** - Lideo Videos Seems Ukraine has done a lot of damage to the Russian fleet as stated in this video. If the Russians were smart they would end hostilities in Ukraine and start negotiating for peace. Most of the world would see that as appropriate. ]]> Fri, 14 Jun 2024 14:08:13 GMT Ukraine update 6-3-2024 - Lideo Videos Danny can give a quality update on the Ukraine War from his pilot background and tell it like it is. Please watch the video and add a comment. ]]> Thu, 6 Jun 2024 15:33:48 GMT Donald Trump found Guilty on all 34 counts - Lideo Videos Now we all will see the show go on the road in the Republican fallout over Trump's conviction. This is one giant leap for our Republic and shows that no one is above the law, at least in New York. Now can we get on with normal life in the USA? ]]> Thu, 30 May 2024 19:26:42 GMT Ukraine update 5-11-2024 - Lideo Videos It was getting close to a Russian win but finally, the US and others stepped up and the tide is turning to favor the defense of Ukraine. War does nothing but destroy things and reduce populations so what Putin is thinking is beyond normal. Putin is crazy. Even when he has some success he has to...]]> Sat, 11 May 2024 15:57:05 GMT Take it, take it all - Lideo Videos It should have been done long ago. Until Russia understands that all they are doing is getting its population reduced by a war it will not win we will have to keep supporting Ukraine's defense efforts. ]]> Sat, 11 May 2024 15:48:03 GMT