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Donald Trump AKA Yellow Face is on trial for criminal activity related to the 2016 election and his illegal coverup of his sex with Stormy Daniels. Testimony started on 4-22-2024. Found guilty on all charges
Most people believed that Trump would never be imprisoned for criminal activities. They were wrong. His trial has started today in New York. So far his attorneys have tried to hide facts by presenting motions that failed immediately.
4-22-2024, David Pecker testifying about Trump, The National Inquirer, and the meeting in the Oval Office where it is alleged that they set up the payments to those that would harm Trump's campaign.

Now is your chance to support our wounded warriors and show them that you are a true American. Remember they voluntarily chose to serve you and yours!
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Donald Trump found guilty 34 times in New York
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Mon, Apr 15, 24, 15:15, 11 Months ago
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