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It is reported that all the major powers are in the process of developing a whole new line of Nukes
Being an American I am supposed to say that it is okay for us but not for other countries. Well, that is just BS.
What the world should be doing is building a weapon to automatically destroy nukes no matter where they are detected
I say this because I cannot think of any good reason to have nukes. Nukes means Nuclear bombs or missiles with nuclear warheads.
It simply scares me to have to consider if my own government would launch a nuke because of mistakes or crazy leadership and I don't want to pass that on to the new generation.
Now is your chance to support our wounded warriors and show them that you are a true American. Remember they voluntarily chose to serve you and yours!
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No New Nukes they said
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Fri, Sep 22, 23, 16:11, 1 Year ago
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