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Sunday, May 5, 2024

Privacy - Lideo Videos uses your IP address - City Location to provide visitors with local-based content. Your IP address points to the city where you receive your internet connection. For example: Our location is Las Vegas NV but the IP shows a town called Henderson.

We may also use cookies to provide you quick access to your account and our services. We do not use cookies to track your internet activity. We leave that up to Google and Facebook.

Your private information is kept private and only used by to ensure a high degree of system security.

Your Username, nickname, and real name will be shown and we are sure you will agree that this helps control the good content of a post over a posting that violates our policy.

Attempts to use our platform to commit any crime will result in a referral to the policing jurisdiction most likely to prosecute for the crime. We provide any information to the police upon a request and warrant. We may refer an account to the police if we feel a crime is being committed.

In all cases, our and your option in a dispute is to terminate an account if we cannot agree.

